I have a two-year-old HP laptop. When I switch it on, it does
nothing for up to an hour then it suddenly springs into action and fires
up. The local "computer chaps" say it is the motherboard. I'm not
convinced, and it is still working after six months of the same. Loose
connections? I have shaken it. Dust and muck? I have used a hairdryer,
to no avail. Do you have any thoughts – or is it just the motherboard! Paul Wright
Intermittent faults are very hard to diagnose, and it would be worth
your while searching for [laptop "intermittent start" OR "intermittent
boot"] and the model number of your laptop. If you happen to have an HP
dv6000, some versions seem to have been a bit of a nightmare, judging by
the long discussion in HP's own forum at HP dv6000 laptop start-up problems.
PCs are supposed to beep to indicate any problems following a POST or "power-on self test", where one short beep means everything is OK. The
beeps and things like flashing cursors usually tell you where to start
looking for the fault. Most operating systems also keep logs that can
indicate problems. If you are running Microsoft Windows XP, read support
document Q308427: How to view and manage event logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP.
Vista and Windows 7 have much-improved versions. With no hardware or
software indicators to go on, we're reduced to experiment and guesswork.
In this case, it could be the motherboard, a loose connection, the
hard drive failing, the power supply, or something attached to the
computer, such as an external hard drive. (Unplug everything you've
plugged in.) I think it's more likely to be a hardware than a software
problem, but it could be a bad video driver. It might even be malware
such as a boot-sector virus, and it's never a bad idea to check for
The hard drive would be my biggest worry. If it is failing to start
for anything from a few minutes to an hour, then one day it could fail
to start at all. Make sure all your data files are backed up. Also, keep
a USB thumbdrive plugged in while you're working, so you can quickly
back up the most recent files.
small applications will check the health of your hard drive and predict
when it will eventually fail. Run Pantera Soft's free HDD Health
and see what it says. Also, see if you can hear whether the hard drive
spins up when you turn the power on, and whether the laptop boots only
after the hard drive kicks in. With a desktop PC, one idea is to lift
the lid and hold the drive lightly, because your fingers will feel the
disk start to spin. You might be able to feel it through the laptop
You can also try changing the boot order in your laptop's BIOS set-up
chip so that it tries the optical drive before the hard drive. If your
laptop will boot immediately from your Windows DVD, or a Linux Live CD, that suggests a hard drive problem.
With a laptop, there is no good way to isolate hangs that might be
caused by loose connections. On a desktop, it's relatively easy to check
that all the internal plugs and wires are correctly seated and that no
expansion cards are slightly loose. It's harder to get to connectors on a
laptop, but reseat any that are easily accessible.
Also, while waiting for the laptop to start, try pressing down gently
on the keyboard and other parts of the case. Sometimes a slight
movement will get things going, perhaps because there's a loose
connection or because the motherboard has what we used to call (in the
days when every home had a soldering iron) a "dry joint". However, if
you can't recognise a dry joint on a motherboard – and I couldn't – then
you have no chance of fixing it yourself. See if varying the power
supply makes a difference. Try starting your laptop with the battery
removed and the mains adaptor plugged in. Also, if possible, try it with
a different mains adaptor.
There are a couple of things that you can do to find possible
software faults. First, assuming your Windows installation is up to
date, run a few searches to see if you can find more recent drivers,
particularly video drivers. Guru3D's Driver Sweeper can help you clean out old drivers.
Second, run a check for rootkits and boot sector viruses. Microsoft's Windows Sysinternals has a free RootkitRevealer, but Sophos Anti-Rootkit and Kaspersky's TDSS Killer are worth a go. Finally, run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free from your desktop, selecting the Quick Scan option.
Knowing you have a secure backup, you could also try a "factory
restore". To do this, reboot, your laptop and press F10 a few times when
the HP logo appears. When you see the recovery screen, choose Next and
then Yes to perform a non-destructive recovery. If that doesn't solve
the problem, you could try choosing Advanced and then Yes to perform a
destructive recovery. You will have to reinstall your software
(including a lot of Windows updates!) afterwards, but a full reset can
clear out a lot of junk and solve many niggling problems.
Alternatively, if your system is running Windows XP or Vista, then
you could upgrade to Windows 7, preferably the 64-bit version. This
provides much better monitoring (start typing "performance monitor"),
which helps when things go wrong.
If all else fails, take your laptop to a local computer repair shop,
since these have tools that can more easily identify faults. They should
give you an estimate of the cost of attempting to repair it, though
success is not guaranteed. It would be a shame to give up on a
two-year-old machine that would probably run Windows 7 or Windows 8 for
several more years. However, a quick look at ebay.co.uk should give you a good idea of the second-hand value of your PC, and there's a limit to how much it's worth spending to fix it.
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