Computer Mother Board is one of the vital parts in CPU. This consists of all the Microprocessor and other integrated chipsets elements which support every computer to function more efficiently. What will you do when it is on repair? Try repairing on your own with detailed tips on how to repair computer monitor.
Finding such complicated issues like Mother board not booting, No Clock, DIMM clock chip is failed, CPU Reset signal, The whole board without reset or may be the reset does not boot can be precise problems that can find only by smart technicians. In case of above issue, no big risks involved for any person/consumer.
Do you think of a mother board issue? Most common problems might be power issue and display issue due to faulted capacitor/may due to integrated graphics card.
Check the power cable in case of motherboard repair to find whether it rotates in that power or reinstall ATX1. Inspect the position of CMOS Jumper in mother board. IC Chipset is connected to power source and locate whether it generates excessive heat, if yes, it could be damaged. Replace it CMOS IC Chipset. Check the fans are rotating in good condition. Else replace it or replace IC regulator around the socket on mother board power. Change 1000S.D/3300DF capacity. Use anti-virus software to remover virus from the computers to overcome memory RAM Problem with blue screen display. You can
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