5 Ways to Protect Your Computer from Email Viruses and Scans
Viruses are often sent via email attachments. Macalester’s email service, Google Apps, scans incoming email (sent to @easiertips) and cleans known viruses. It is nevertheless good practice to be cautious about unexpected attachments in the unlikely event that a new virus escapes the anti-virus update. Learn how to manage email attachments2. USE SPAM FILTERS
Macalester is fortunate in that Google Apps uses one of the most advanced and continually improved spam filters in existence. This function is greatly enhance when you report a message as spam. Learn how to report spam3. BEWARE OF EMAIL PHISHING OR SPOOFING
Phishing emails are an attempt by thieves to lure you into divulging personal information for their profit. Learn to recognize the telltale signs of phishing4. USE CAUTION WITH SENSITIVE INFORMATION IN EMAIL
By default, @easiertips domain email messages are transferred securely via https. Nevertheless sensitive information, commonly known as Personal Information Requiring Notification (PIRN), should not be transferred via email. Learn more about PIRNEven though all Macalester email through Google is secure in transfer (https is “on” all the time) this does not change anything that is transferred in the message. Viruses and worms can get through, and phishing and spoofing attempts can still happen.
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